Monday, February 6, 2012

Walking the Tightrope

The old-fashioned circus acts, like walking the tightrope, have evolved to elaborate and finely orchestrated Cirque de Soliel performances. Nonetheless, I am still spellbound by someone walking high above the crowd on a tightrope, placing one foot in front of the other ever so carefully. It takes courage, focus and concentration and a desire to stay steadfast on one’s path, knowing that a miniscule mistake will result in disaster.
In everyday life, I equate walking a tightrope to holding on with all our might in times of sadness and stress and when we don’t know if we will survive what is happening around us. In fact, the other day a friend asked how I was getting through these recent months, which have been incredibly stressful given my husband’s health and included a difficult time for one of my daughters. I explained, “I’m walking a tightrope with a safety net of incredible family, friends, and colleagues who are ready to catch me on a moment’s notice.” That is a gift and one that I don’t take for granted.
There are times in life when we feel so alone. You’re never alone. There is always someone who is willing to lend an ear, a helping hand, or words of encouragement to help you hang on for one more day. The key to finding them is opening your heart and allowing the help to come in. Some may feel challenged and want me to know they don’t have anyone; nobody cares. That may be true; however, if the people you are turning to are the ones you can’t rely upon and/or leave you feeling that they don’t care, let them go. There are others who will be there and you need to open your heart so they will find you. Moreover, don’t give up on yourself and hold the hope that this too shall pass.

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