Friday, July 8, 2011

Loss and Addictions

There are many kinds of addictions: Tabacco, drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex and work to name a few. People can even be addicted to seeking approval and acceptance or to anything that will give them an adrenaline rush. In my opinion, people can even be addicted to drama and chaos in their live.
People become addicted as a way to escape. Unresolved grief is one of the painful experiences that people will try to escape and possibly medicate themselves through drugs and alcohol.
Addictions are debilitating and do not affect only the addict. Their family and friends are affected as well. Society as a whole is affected. We think if the person would just get help and give up whatever it is that they are addicted to then life would get back to normal. It doesn’t work that way.
A person has a long road ahead of them when working through their addictions and revealing what’s beneath the surface. They may experience a lot of shame and guilt about what has been happening and they struggle with the loss of who they were and could have been. They experience the loss of shattered dreams and goals for the future. They pay a hefty price for their craving.
Family and friends also pay a hefty price. They experience loss of who the person was and who they could be. They may be affected financially and socially too because of the addict’s choices. They experience the loss of trust for they have heard many times that the addict will not do it again. And, they experience loss of their dreams and goals for the family as a whole.
Addictions are far too complex a topic to discuss in this blog, but it’s an important and crushing problem in our world today.  Fortunately, we do talk about addictions today and people are more willing to get help once they are ready… it’s no longer ‘taboo.’
The main point of today’s blog is to make people aware that the layers of loss experienced by the family and the addict are profound. While it may be easy to judge how it could be handled, it is impossible to understand what it is like unless you walk in their shoes.
For anyone needing assistance or support, or would like to learn more about addictions, look for Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous or Al-Anon meetings in your local area.

1 comment:

  1. I was married at 32 and immediately tried to get pregnant. When I was unable to conceive I had blood tests for fertility and was told that I had an FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) of 54 and would not be able to have children. Even though the doctors knew that I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis since age 25, no one bothered to check my thyroid levels. my TSH was measured at .001. My Synthroid dosage was lowered. a friend advise me to contact a spiritualist who help with fertility with his medicine, i collected his contact and explain my situation to him he prepared for me a herbal medicine which i took as describe by him. became pregnant very quickly, I had a successful pregnancy. I have my baby august 2017. to get pregnant at age 35 with my 2nd child in september 2019, thank you sir , this is his email contact if you require his help or Facebook at priest.babaka
