Friday, July 15, 2011

Create a Memory Tree

It’s important for loved ones who are approaching the end of life to have the opportunity to do a ‘life review.’ This is a time for them to reflect on their life and to reminisce about their loved ones too. Often it’s difficult for families to start those conversations. A number of reasons may get in the way – they don’t know what to say and/or they don’t want to upset the person.
People enjoy talking about their lives and remembering the good times. They may not want to talk about everything but it’s doubtful they would not want to say anything. Just get the conversation going.
Here are some suggestions that may help spending time with a loved one who is approaching the end of life:
  1. Get out the photo albums and start talking about the people and activities in the picture. Record what is being told so you have the historical information to pass on to younger generations.
  2. Ask questions about the person’s life as a child. What was their favourite food? What was their favourite subject in school? What did they want to be when they grew up? Where was their favourite place to visit?
  3. Create a memory tree together. This will generate some great conversation and it will provide a host of topics for other visitors to talk about too. I guarantee it will take care of those times when the silence takes over and people don't know what to say.
    1. To make a memory tree, purchase a silk or real plant that has lots of branches, such as an Indoor Fiscus Plant. 
    2. Place a supply of paper hearts and pens nearby. Punch a small hole in the heart and string with thread and tie in a knot so the heart can hang from a branch.
    3. Record your favourite memory, like “The trip to Disneyland when I turned 12.” And then sign your name. It will be easy for others to ask questions. For example, a grandchild may ask, “Tell me about the trip you took to Disneyland when my mom was 12.”
Photo Credit: digitalart

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