Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Deaths of the Russian Ice Hockey Team

The horrific plane crash of the Russian Ice Hockey team on Wednesday, September 7 claimed 43 lives, which included players and coaches from 10 nations. As reported in the Huffington Post, the Yak-42 aircraft slammed into a riverbank shortly after taking off. As one can imagine, this tragedy will have a tremendous impact in the world of sports and for the families and loved ones of those who died.
The news of the plane crash was recalled intermittently as the world paid tribute to the thousands of innocent people who died in 9/11. These unbelievable losses remind us in a breathtaking way that life is fragile and when those we love die, we face the unpredictable and challenging journey of grieving and mourning.
Feelings of sadness, loneliness, helplessness, and emptiness are common responses to such loss. Individuals experiencing these responses may also experience disturbance in sleep and appetite, withdrawal, guilt, and low energy. While these symptoms are real and common to the responses listed, they are also common symptoms of clinical depression. As mentioned in a previous blog, being sad isn’t the same as being clinically depressed. Detecting depression can be tricky and as I said, it may mirror the same symptoms of the responses a person may have.
If you suffered a loss and feel that your symptoms have escalated where you have become completely immobilized or you are having thoughts of suicide, please reach out to talk with someone. There is no shame in seeking help. In fact, it is the bravest and safest action to take. If you are supporting an individual who is displaying magnified symptoms of grief then encourage them to seek professional support. Speaking with someone who is not immersed in your pain and who is trained in this field, can help you to explore your feelings of sorrow so that you can give expression to those feelings in a safe and meaningful way. In doing so, you will be able to move forward with your life a little at a time.
For more information on the Russian plane crash and the tributes to 9/11 visit these websites:

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