Monday, September 5, 2011

Memory Collage

Often when a loved dies it is the memories we have of them that get us through the darkest hour. It is wonderful to remember the person and to reflect on what they meant to you.

It is not unusual for families to display picture boards or to show slideshows of the person who died at the memorial service. Sifting through photos and sharing stories that show the activities, vacations and social gatherings you enjoyed together, or candid shots depicting the true character of your loved one is very therapeutic. It can bring a smile to your face and yes, a tear to your eye. Both are normal and okay to experience.

Once the funeral is done and friends and family fade into their own realities, why not spend some time in creating a beautiful memory collage of you and your loved one.

Here are some simple steps to help get you started:
·         Gather together posterboard, photos, cards or magazines to cut out phrases or words, scissors, glue, acid-free tape. Picture frames are optional.
·         You can have a theme for your memory collage or put it together freestyle, choosing pictures that strike you for whatever reason. Some themes could be: travel, family celebrations, funny moments, milestones in that person’s life, or the person doing all their favourite things.
·         Cut out the photos in different shapes. Use cookie cutters shaped like stars and hearts to trace the design on the photo and cut it out.  If you want to keep the photos in the original form for future use, consider making colored photocopies to cut into shapes and use on the collage.
·         Cut out phrases, full sentences or single words to add inspiration and to help tell the story of your loved one.
·         Before you start gluing or taping the photos and words onto the posterboard, take some time and just lay everything out on the board. You can leave spaces between the pieces or overlap the edges so there is no beginning and no ending to where the photos start and stop. Be creative… you are the artist… there is no right or wrong.
·         It’s optional to frame your collage. If you have one to fit and you want to do that, go ahead and enjoy!

Photo Credit: Nuchylee

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Janelle. Reposted on FB as a playwright I knew recently died of TBI. Hope friends and family might read this and other postings. God bless those who love Tom Poole, RIP.
