Friday, September 2, 2011

Seasonal Memories

As we move from one season to another, I was nudged to dig out a piece that I wrote nearly twenty years ago. It really was a ‘stream of consciousness’ writing about my favourite seasonal memories and some that I imagined would make each quarter memorable.

See how many you identify with. Enjoy!

A Life of Seasons
~ Janelle Breese Biagioni

The birth of spring brings the gift of life to the world. Trees and shrubs erupting with the growth of tender green leaves and fragile blossoms of pink and white. Unfolding ever so gently, like the growth of a child; precious treasures bringing joy to the beholder. Gentle rains and tender breezes, clouds of cotton and skies of blue to bring peace of mind. Mud puddles for children to dance about in and warming sunshine to bask the soul in. Hopscotch and skipping ropes, baseballs and bats, children laughing from a light-hearted game of hide and seek. Baby farm animals and newborn kittens bringing forth our awe at the wonder of God’s creation. New beginnings and uplifted spirits, encouraging growth and giving way to…

The youthfulness of summer bringing fun to all. Hot sunny weather, ice cream, swimming pools, and sandy beaches. Children running through the zoo, riding bikes, wiener roasts and camping. Sailboats and waterskiing. Dad’s gone fishing, Mom’s in the garden with fresh tomatoes and sweet juicy watermelons. Running barefoot through the grass, warm starry summer nights, crickets calling, corn-on-the-cob, family picnics and riding the carnival carousel. Thunderstorms and drought-freeing rains. Feelings light and carefree, exuberant with curiosity venturing forth to…

The maturity of fall, upholding its responsibility to reach nature’s peak. Trees bursting with colors of red, gold and orange. Gusty winds, creaking gateposts, nights filled with cool, crisp air. Thanksgiving turkeys, whip cream and pumpkin pies, Halloween stories of witches, ghosts and frightful goblins. Bright autumn sunshine and the mouth-watering taste of crunchy red apples. Cinnamon sticks and hot steamy cider. Raking leaves and brand new school books. Feelings of accomplishment and a sense of completion, settling in front of the fire to await…

The arrival of old man winter using his experience and age to complete nature’s cycle. Frosty nights and homemade soup. Winter coats, bright woollen mittens, fur-lined boots to warm tiny toes. Ice skating on Grandpa’s pond, freedom speeding down the slopes. The hush of the first snowfall, flannelette nighties and marshmallows bobbing in thick hot chocolate. Children making eyes of coal, cherished snow angels and captivating icicles. Red brick fireplaces, Santa and big tall Christmas trees. Shiny ornaments, twinkling tinsel and presents in pretty packages. Sweet peppermint of red and green twisted and curled to make a cane. Feelings of love and rejoicing, vows of family renewed. Branches bare, melting snow, grass turned brown. The dormant death of nature allowing the completion of God’s work, recognizing…

The birth of spring brings the gift of life to the world.

Photo Credit: Evgeni Dinev

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