Friday, December 16, 2011

Heart Vs. Head

The work of grieving and mourning is heart work not head work!
When we stay in our heads while grieving, we over analyze our feelings or dismiss them. We fall prey to the myth that time should heal all and we should just get over what has happened to us.
Grieving and mourning are heart work. This means staying with your heart, albeit broken, and feeling what you need to feel for however long that you need to feel it. I have said this before; however, it is something that I repeat often…”It is not time that heals all, but rather it is what we do with the time that will heal us.”
In the early days of grief, it is important to just be. Don’t worry about what to do next or how you will get there… just be. Pace yourself. Let yourself rest, even if you can’t sleep. Drink plenty of water and take in small meals to keep your energy up.
A broken heart needs to heal in its own way and its own time.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I've reminded myself of this many times. Although I'm through the hardest of my grief at this point, it still "flares up" from time to time. When that happens, I simply remind myself to just be with the feelings. Thank you for sharing this!
